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We exist to look beyond the status quo and consider what could be. This is in our very DNA. Patsime is interested in constantly powering industries and supporting trade, and our values ensure this ideal is etched in our hearts.


We are always asking what is next? And we encourage all our employees to think the same way, it ensures we are always growing our service and product offering.


We are relentless in our endeavours, and our focus is ensuring our vision is achieved. We know there's always a better way and we make sure all our efforts revolve around this constant.


Without integrity, all actions are questionable. Our integrity means we put the environment first which ensures we are tenaciusly innovative in acheiving our goal, always considering the health of our employees and the improvement of the environment.


From our operations, to the people who manage them we believe in diversity. Diversity brings perspective, which we believe is an integral part of advancement and key to fulfilling our mission.


We believe that it's all in the data, this is why it is the driving force behind all our activities. It ensures we do a hands on appreciation of markets: keeping our finger on the pulse of key industry developments.

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